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SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE All Movie Clips + Trailer (2018)

Its definitely the best Spider-Man Movie to date. The fact that it's fresh with Miles Morales origin story and Gwen Stacy, is exactly what the franchise needed. Spider-Man is no longer just about Peter Parker, it's about other great characters aswell. And Into the Spider-Verse proves that other characters can do well, aswell as Parker.

Hey! Jesus loves you! Jesus is the Way to everlasting life. If you want to be saved, come to JESUS. God sent His only Begotten Son(Jesus) to die on the cross for your sins. If you want to be saved and go to heaven, this is what you need to do: 1. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 2. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. 3. Believe that God the Father has raised Him(Jesus) from the dead. 4. Repent of your sins( telling God your sorry for everything you have done against Him). 5. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, and to save you from your sins. 6. Be willing to change your lifestyle. 7. Thank Him(Jesus) for saving your life. Pray this in JESUS Name, and DO ALL OF THIS WITH YOUR HEART!!!!! Congratulations, you are now a Christian and have eternal life.

Sooooo, this Peter buried aunt May, divorced Mary Jane, have no daughter and is a looser.... Im tyred of Marvel screwing Peter´s life for drama sake, I want to see only once, a Peter that have a happy life with his family who at the same time can save New York, is that too much asking???!!!!

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